Tuesday 10 July 2012

Jurassic Wedding

Aile. The following blog post does not imply I will be proposing soon. All this is just an awesome idea that I will insist on if I ever do.

I recently went to my first wedding! I have realised I could make some joke about having been to 4 funerals and a wedding but I won't, apart from in this sentence here.
The wedding experience was great fun, but I couldn't help but think what I'd do different at mine. The way the bride and groom had their wedding fitted them perfect, but for me, I feel my wedding could be a bit different. A bit themed. A bit..


So here it is, a wedding I've thought about and discussed ith people over the last few days.

The Jurassic Park Themed Wedding

The wedding chapel (in a hotel or somewhere) would be totally jungle themed. It'd all be wooden benches and torches at the ends of each aisle.Guests would enter at the back through a massive Jurassic Park gate and sit on the benches. Select guests would be given small dinosaur puppets to hold like this one. Yes I realise I've never posted a picture before- I'm happy for this to be the first one though.

Once everyone is seated the gates would close and the lights would dim. Soft jurassic park music would start. To help you imagine this fully here is that music- I will be referencing it so please open
Jurassic Park theme

As the music hits the 0.49 mark the lights raise a little bit and the dinosaur actors start to come in from the sides, emerging from the trees. It wouldn't be people in like Barney costumes, that'd make the wedding tacky. I'm thinking more this


There is a man in there, you can kind of see his legs. Maybe two of these and an apatasaur head poking over the side, we don't want to go over the top here.
Just before the music hits 1.27, a spotlight beams down on a man dressed as Richard Attenborough (the old guy in the film who made the park) at the front of the hall and he loudly says 'Welcome...Miss (bride's name) to Jurassic Park!' and the gates swing open and her and her bridesmaids walk down the leafy aisle past the guests and their occasional dinosaur puppets. She would meet her groom at the top of the aisle and the wedding would be conducted by the man dressed as Richard Attenborough.

The service would be as normal with analogies to prehistoric times. A pterodactyl would swoop down from the ceiling and deliver the rings, the bride and groom would kiss and leave through the gates to more music. Before the everyone gets up to leave Richard Attenborough would notify guests that small dinosaurs need to leave first and would trigger leg ticklers on every ones seats like those in 3D theatres.

The wedding reception would look like this, the tables for the meal first then the dancefloor.

Maybe a bit more room for dancing on the dancefloor.

The meal would be chicken or burgers or something, not that important. For pudding though everyone would get dinosaur shaped sticky toffee pudding.
The wedding cake would be as normal but with 2 dinosaurs in a wedding dress and tuxedo at the top. Obviously.

Now I wouldn't be all selfish. I'd let my wife pick our first dance. However as it ended, red warning lights would flash everywhere. A voice repeating 'Warning! Subject 7 has been released' and suddenly a giant T-Rex would burst through the wall.

It would stop there though before 'Dinosaur' by Ke$ha  would start to play and everyone would get up to dance. An amazing dance party with a mix of guests and dinosaur actors would follow.

An absolutely perfect day.

I can't see why she wouldn't want it, but if my future wife didn't want this, please someone do it and invite me. It'd be T-Reffic. 

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