Friday 29 June 2012

Waiting to talk to SAAS on the phone- how I spent my waiting time

I am currently number 54 in the SAAS queue. lets see what i can do in this time.
Gonna prepare a pizza
Well thats the pizza in the oven
You are currently number 51 in the queue
1st level of super mario bros i think
You are currently number 47 in the queue
Seems a waste not to do the 2nd level as well
You are currently number 43 in the queue
Best check on the pizza, get it out the oven
Not quite ready yet so il watch wimbldon. score so far is 2 games each
You are currently number 37 in the queue
Enough time to check the spelling of wimbledon there, turns out it does have an e
You are currently number 36 in the queue
Thats the pizza out and a drink poured
You are currently number 33 in the queue
Well that was a tasty pizza, wonder where I am now
You are currently number 24 in the queue
We more than halfway there! What to do now. Could spend this time productivly, gonna learn a bit of French.
Doing this on youtube obviously so have to sit through the bloody adverts
You are currently number 22 in the queue
un mouton - a sheep
un poulet - a chicken
un cochen - a pig
Yeah its all animals. Mouton makes sense, like mutton, poulet I've heard being referred to chickens before. But cochen for pig? Those crazy French
You are currently number 16 in the queue
It sounded like 60, i pray its not. Well not pray, i'm athiest, but yeah
Wimbledons being as slow as this wait to be talked to, both on 3 games and have been deucing (thats a thing in my world) for about 10 minutes
You are currently number 15 in the queue
FUUUUU ok...more french animals it is
un cheval - a horse
un ane - a donkey
un coq - a rooster
won't lie, i lolled at the french woman saying it, twice
You are currently number 12 in the queue
gettin tense! il go check the rabbits are ok. they fine, their usual rabitty selves
You are currently number 7 in the queue
WOOOOAAAH we've jumped forward a bit
Just watched 3 more minutes of wimbledon, somebodies won a set which to my understanding means 'a few games'
You are currently number 7 in the queue
I mean really
You are currently number 5 in the queue
Apparently number 6 gave up
French animals til i'm spoken to?
un cerf - a deer
un chevre - a goat
un chien - a dog
Why have they put goat before dog? surely dogs are more common?
You are currently number 4 in the queue
You are currently number 3 in the queue
Right il stop typing now, i'm prepared!!!!
i've been 3 for 5 minutes now though...
2!!!! 2!!!!
So turns out my log in details are exactly the same as my facebook log in. Which begs the question why didn't I try that in the first place
Almost an hour well spent there. Atleast I know that the french word for goat sounds like a sports car and I also enjoyed a delicious pizza- swings and roundabouts, whatever that means.

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