Thursday 28 March 2013

5 Jobs I Actually Wouldn't Mind Doing part 1

I'll get back to the film list eventually, I pramiss.

After the news days I did as part of my journalism course I'm thinking more about what life will be like after uni. The prospect of news days every day isn't a bad one but I can't help but think about other jobs, some totally unrelated to journalism, I quite like the look of. Jobs that for a lot of people don't look all that special.

I'm not classing money as an important factor here- if I did I'd currently still be doing Chemical Engineering, rolling around in a bed of £20 notes on an oil rig somewhere.

1. Paparazzo

How Society Sees it - Intrusive horrible men with cameras who invade innocent people's privacy constantly

How I see it- Ahmagad! Celebrities! Lets take photos of them :D

This is the only job in which a journalism degree may help. However I was surprised when we read a feature in Uni about a writer who wrote a horrible article about a paparazzo who was made out to be a terrible pervy man just because he loved taking photos of celebrities. Ron Gallela if you're wondering.

Celebrities need photos taken of them- it comes with the celebrity status. If you're a big figure in the public eye I feel you should expect to live your life in view for people to look at. People are interested in who you are and what you do in all aspects of your life- its a paparazzo's job to document it.

I don't see why celebrity gossip is any less important than other articles in the news. Writing that feels wrong but I'm definitely more interested in what film stars have been up to at after-award parties than what George Osbourne has been doing with the budget. Call it less newsworthy but that's just what I'd rather read about and see pictures of.

I also feel it'd be a bit like Pokemon Snap- and I love Pokemon Snap. You're spot on the red carpet is more or less the same as the game apart from instead of photographing Pikachus and Bulbasaurs you're photographing Paris Hiltons and Johnny Depps. And instead of scoring meaningless points for your perfect picture of Snorlax at a great angle you score actual cash from magazines for your picture of Lisa Riley from a great angle. I must point out the choice of pokemon and celebrity there are purely coincidental.

I also get star struck when I see famous people so it'd be a bit of a constant buzz. Like the feeling at a gig right before the band come on and that weird surreal feeling when they appear in front of you in person.

My first instance of this was Cameron from Big Brother 4 at the new year party at the Castle Gate at the top of Union Street. A memory that will stay in my heart forever.

There is the argument of how far is too far with celebrity photography. The image of 100 men trying to get a photo of a celebrities pants [or in Britney Spears case- vagina] as they leave a car for example is pretty grim. Is that right? It is someones daughter after all, and you're squatting down with your camera zoomed in praying for a crotch shot.

To add to my earlier point though- these people are celebrities. They should expect photos to be taken of them. So when leaving a car they should prepare for it and for gods sake wear some underwear. I think if saaaaaaaay Taylor Swift gets trashed and flashes her pants while leaving a car that's a newsworthy story. People love seeing celebrities at their worst, it makes the public feel a little bit better about not being as rich and famous as them.

So Heat if you're browsing random blogs that get a hefty 70 views per post I'd love to come in for an interview. All you have to do is provide me with a camera and nice central London location to stay in. Tickets to film premiers and celebrity parties will be part of the job I'd imagine.

Paparazzi. Not respected by society but one hell of a career [probably].

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