Tuesday 16 June 2015

Nintendo's E3 2015

5/10. That's how I'd describe this year. Not atrocious but definitely not exciting.

Let's go through it game by game.

It started amazingly as predicted with Star Fox. I liked the whole Muppets thing they had going on at the start too, I'm glad Nintendo have made this 'E3 in the style of ...' a thing.

Anyway- Starfox looked great, back to basics with cool looking transforming vehicles. I'm glad so much attention is being put on it to really make it a class A title. Back in the days of Star Fox Assault it just came out in a sea of other games with no hype whatsoever. This time it'll be different.

And this was just the start of the amazing looking new games! Right?

Sadly not. In terms of the afformentioned 'Class A' titles I'd say Star Fox Zero was their only big reveal- and to be honest it wasn't technically speaking a reveal- we've known about it for a year.

We got the news of a small amiibo-skylanders crossover which is kinda interesting but ultimately dosen't interest me enough to go out and buy Skylanders.

Then OMG NEW ZELDA. 4 swordsy Zelda though. Still pretty cool but definitely dosen't have that sense of 'epic' that should really accompany Zelda. I liked A Link Between Worlds and it does look quite similar. I just hope there's an emphasis on the gameplay and storymode rather than on the multiplayer. They said it was online though so that could solve the 'I have no one to really play with' problem.

Hyrule Warriros 3DS looks nice but I'm not sure Tetra and the King of Red Lions are enough to warrant me buying the same game again.

And then comes Nintendo's biggest misfire in recent history. Metroid Prime...Federation Force? Nintendo- This is not Metroid Prime. The Metroid universe is sacred and respected- the feeling of isolation in those vast deep environments. This game shits on all of that- a party game with Power Rangers looking monsters and a football minigame. The fans wanted Metroid but definitely not like this. This could be really damaging for the series and for Nintendo.


Quite a few games I'm not too bothered with after that - never played a Fire Emblem game but it looked pretty good. The crossover I'm sure will please people- but not for me. Never played Zenoblade but again looked much like what we've seen before. And then that Animal Crossing room design game which I won't be rushing out to buy. It's just one section of what Animal Crossing is isolated into it's own game.

And then in an unpredicted turn of events Animal Crossing Wii U! And it's a board game? This actually pleases me a little. I'm a little tired of the standard Animal Crossing formula and I do enoy a board game. It doesn't look overly exciting but meh, could be alright.

10 minutes of Yoshi's Wooly World. Pliz. Stahp.

Yo-Kai Watch- what on earth is going on there.

Aaaaand the Mario and Luigi Paper Mario crossover restore my faith in humanity for just a bit. The game looks pretty fun- I just hope it feels more like Paper Mario than Mario and Luigi as appears to be the case. Just personal preference that i prefer that series- the first 2 games anyway.

Win indeed

Mario Tennis looks alright- we need a Mario sports title as there's not been one in ages. Just pretty similar looking to the rest of the series.

And by this point it must be building to the grand finale of Nintendo's E3. What game will they reveal?! How will they steal the whole show? Mario Maker yes yes very nice, we've seen you, but c'mon get to that epic last trailer!

What is this? A Mario montage? No more new games? Just this silliness. Nintendo- you make it hard for me to love you sometimes.

Me after realizing there was no finale-reveal trailer

It almost felt like a filler year this year before the big NX, Zelda and mobile announcments next year. Sure we have Starfox and few other interstingish titles coming but it's sadly looking like another quiet year for Nintendo fans.

Til next year Nintendo. Til next year.

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