Wednesday 6 January 2016

Top 10 Films I watched in 2015

It's been a big year in the film world. 2015 saw films that had been talked about for years, in some cases decades, release in cinemas and they have done so to big acclaim for the most part. I love a blockbuster, I'm a pretty crappy critic to be honest. I like explosions, big budgets and cheese. 2015 had all of that in abundance.

Honorable mentions: Mad Max Fury Road, Mission Impossible 5, John Wick and Ant Man. They come highly recommended.

To the countdown!

10. The Night Before

Very rarely do comedies make this list but The Night Before took me by surprise. I can give or take Seth Rogan films but the Night Before really surprised me with how genuinely funny it was. More than that though it had a load of heart and some lump in throat moments. It's everything that makes a Christmas film a year-after-year watch and I look forward to seeing it next festive season as well. 

9. Avengers: Age of Ultron 

A shame that Age of Ultron appears so far down on the list this year. It didn't blow me away like The first Avengers or even some of the recent Marvel films- but it was still a lot of fun and the action was as explosive and well choreographed as you come to expect from Marvel. It was certainly big- perhaps maybe a little over-stuffed. 

8. Big Hero 6

Good ol' Disney, giving us yet another new-renaissance classic in the form of Big Hero 6. Baymax obviously steals the show and is an adorable character. The fact it's a solid super hero movie as well makes it even better. It also provided some of the coolest cosplay I saw at Glasgow Comic Con this year like the girl who dressed as the roller disk girl. Well done her. 


It's not as good as Skyfall! It isn't! Look how it isn't Skyfall! True. But it's still one of the finest action films of the year. The stunts are what really stood out in Spectre- everything else was good but not aaass good as what has been done previously. The best bit for me was the first 10 minutes with that spectacular Day Of The Dead sequence. It also ends well- Bond just always seems best when he's on home soil. 

6. Fast and Furious 7

Spectre had good believable stunts. Fast and Furious 7 had ridiculous phenomenal stunts. And feels. Sure it all happens in a world of twisty physics and cheesey dialogue but it's still held together coherently and is Hollywood escapism at it's finest. It's a thrill ride in a cinema screen. The Abu Dhabi sky scraper scene had me smiling ear to ear. 

5. The Kingsman Secret Service

Didn't see this coming. The Kingsman feels like Kick-Ass crossed with Alex Rider which is a combination that works fantastically. It's shocking, funny and very exciting- the parachuting scene is incredibly tense. Colin Firth is great, so is Sam L Jackson as the villain. I look forward to many a sequel.

4. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

A great ending to one of my favourite film series in modern film. Whereas in part 1 where not an awful lot happens- a lot happens in part 2 both in terms of action and story. It went in a direction I really wasn't expecting and took some really shocking twists and turns which I feel really paid off. It's a film with a message and that message is expressed successfully through what has felt like a tough-going but enjoyable journey.

3. Inside Out

This is top tier Pixar up there with Wall E and Toy Story 3. It's a brilliant idea and even though it's kind of been done before, Pixar really get the idea right. Should have known a film all bout emotions would indeed make me feel emotions. While the little adventure with Joy and Sadness is good fun it's the emotional moments that really make Inside Out stand out from other animated films. It's what Pixar do best and Inside Out is an absolute showcase for them.

2. Jurassic World

'It had it's flaws', I heard people say after watching. I honestly couldn't care less- It was a film that in my mind captured the tone and excitement of the original Jurassic Park and turned it into a bigger budget spectacle for the modern audience. It was paced nicely, had fun characters and had exactly what you'd want to see from a Jurassic Park film made 22 years on- Dinosaurs f***ing shit up on a massive scale. It was cheesy but as said previously I love cheese- especially in a film that made me smile and make me feel as nostalgic as this one. 

1. Fantastic Four

LOLLE JK i didn't even see it. But seriously-

1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

We waited years- the hype train was very much on track and steaming along since 2013. And somehow it passed expectations. It felt very Star Wars but more than that it just felt like a really movie. The new characters are brilliant and the returning characters are used well while not being smooshed into your face screaming 'LOOK! IT'S LIKE OLD TIMES!'. The biggest complaint from people was it was too similar to a New Hope. When a film is compared to one of the greatest films of all time is that really a bad thing? Plus it added a lot to the Star Wars universe and I can't wait to see the new trilogy expand it even further. Star Wars came back with a bang this year in a film I would describe as the best in the entire franchise.

Thank you 2015. It's been a year where nostalgia has played a big role in creating some movie magic as well as films being great in their own right.

It's a big super hero year this year. I wonder how many will make it onto 2016's list. 

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