Sunday 27 January 2013

The Grand Film Adventure- 16 - 20

Been trying to watch some of the more 'serious' or longer films on the list, always seem to be more up for a shorter lighthearted comedy than a long attention sapping film with a message. The last 5 have been mostly positive, all a definite improvement on Ace Ventura 2.

The Social Network
Sleepy Hollow

The Social Network
I've heard some people call this film boring. And if facebook was a company set up by adults in a very business style world it would be. What makes the film work is the fact that the most viewed website in the world was set up by a guy at university and all this high flying business happens on campus.
It's interesting to see how facebook grew so rapidly and the story of it's success is well told. The fact the court case between Zuckerberg and his former friends is addressed early on keeps you guessing what point the relationship broke down between the 'characters'.
I found Jesse Eisenberg a little annoying. I don't know if he was just channelling Mark Zuckerberg but the cocky 'eeeeehhhhh guiz? Is everyone stupid but me?' attitude wasn't exactly likable. In a way it works. It doesn't put you squarely on Zuckerberg's side meaning the film isn't bias when dealing with the court case.
The film also has a very abrupt end. Which is fair enough seeings as facebook is still going. An 8.

A film that would have been fantastic if it was just an hour shorter. It has good scenes, interesting characters and relationships. I just feel its stretched far too thin over almost 3 hours. Also Tony Montanna reminds me of someone I know. Well the former Tony Montanna, not the coke fuelled psychopath he becomes.
The best bit about the film I thought was the messed up relationship between Tony and his sister and how the weirdness of it is addressed in the last scene. The 'Do you want to fuck me Tony?' bit is the part that stuck out most for me in the whole film. Was just wrong.
Through all the uneventful dialogue the scenes where stuff actually happen are exciting and tense. It's all shot to look quite real as well as being over the top at the same time.
The changes Tony goes through- from nobody, to pawn to top-dog all happen quite quickly but by the end you do feel like you've been on a journey with him. You know Tony Montanna even if you don't really like what he's become.
And the end scene is indeed a perfect action scene. I'd give those 20 minutes 9 but everything else a 7. 

Sleepy Hollow
Tim Burton :-D. Danny Elfman doing the music :-D. Johnny Depp is the lead :-D. It'll basically be Edward Scissorhands!
But no it wasn't. It was a kinda dreary fantasy murder mystery. It looked pretty cool, undeniably Burton. And Johnny Depp was fun in it, the confident yet wussy Sherlock Holmes character.
The violence seemed a bit out of place for me. When the headless horseman slashed someones head off and blood splashed about everywhere it didn't seem to fit the tone of the film. All the characters introduced had been quite comical and cartoon like and the grisly deaths stuck out a bit. It wasn't like Sweeney Todd either which was way over the top and had it's own gruesome style. The film didn't seem to know if it was an all out fantasy film or realistic period crime drama.
It was watchable though. As soon as the horseman starts coming after Depp and the other sub characters the film has a few exciting chase and action scenes.
A 6, hopefully the other Tim Burton film on the list will deliver.

I was looking forward to Eye of the Tiger for the first ninety minutes of the film. I then read it's not in it til Rocky 3. Disappointment.
I liked Rocky a lot more than I thought I would, as a character and as a film. I imagined a big arsey boxer type who takes no shit, wise cracks and gets the hottest girl. But Rocky was a genuinely nice guy. The romance between him and the quiet pet shop girl is really heart warming. It brings out a sensitive side, as much as he is a big tough boxer.
For a film about a boxer there's surprisingly little boxing. There's about 3 minutes of it at the beginning then just Rocky talking to other characters and building relationships, doing generally miscellaneous stuff until the big fight at the end.
The montage is good as well with the stairs and that, it's not Eye of the Tiger but it has the 118 118 song so it was still pretty good.
Wasn't stoked for this film but turned out to be a nice little heart-warmer. I give it an 8.

Or Se7en if you want to be annoying about it. Seriously search 'Seven' into imdb- the film doesn't come up.
To be clear it's the one with Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt.
Generally a pretty strong film throughout. The murders are interesting and keep you guessing what sick ordeal the next poor low-life will have to go through to fulfill the Lust sin for example. The whole film had a Saw meets LA Noire feel about it. In fact that's exactly what this film is- Saw meets LA Noire which is pretty strong praise as I think both are fantastic.
The chase scene through the apartment reminded me most of the game and it's clear to see what type of film LA Noire got it's inspiration from. It's making me look forward to LA Confidential which is apparently what its more or less based on.
I digress, a good film with an ending possibly a bit too intense and troubling for my taste. I can deal with all the other torture but the ending really saddened me for some reason. It still worked well though.
Tis an 8.
[edit: It's been pointed out LA Noire is inspired by noir films from thr 40s, 50s era, Seven also took inspiration from them. Was just pointing out that Seven reminded me of it a bit]

I have a request. I forgot Disney are a bit horrible with their 'Disney Vault' so Fantasia is proving difficult to track down.
Also if anyone wants to lend me LOTR 2 or 3 it would be appreciated. You'll get an honorable mention for all my 70-80 readers I get.

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