Tuesday 8 January 2013

The Grand Film Adventure- First 5 films down

In a previous post I listed the films I aim to watch before 2014. Ima makin good progress I think! 5 films down already. The first five I've watched have been:

It's a Wonderful Life
Saving Private Ryan
Mean Girls
The Shawshank Redemption

Heres my thoughts so far.

It's a Wonderful Life
My Dad's favourite ever film. I quite likes it.
It's often summarized as a man being taken on a journey to see what life would be like if he had never existed. This in fact is only 20 minutes of the film, the rest is all his actual life and the constant failures and things that get in the way of him doing fun stuff like travelling the world and such.
Each act starts with him doing something like buying a suitcase while discussing where he'll travel to or talking about how swell his honeymoon will be. I found myself through the film guessing what was going to happen to stop anything good happening to him. I half expected a piano to fall through the roof of the church as they got married.
It was nice though, cheesy and festive at the end. For a Christmas film everyone watches at Christmas, only the last part is actually set at Christmas time, making it as Christmassy as Edward Scissorhands or Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as they kinda feature Christmas as well.
I'd give it a good 7. I'll no doubt watch it again next Christmas when my Dad insists on watching it at 11pm on Christmas Eve.

Firstly, I don't get why this in black and white at all. The Artist- makes sense. Frankenweenie- makes it look old and gothic. Clerks? Not a clue.
I liked the main character. Reminded me of a cooler older kid at school I wanted to be when growing up. Some of it was quite funny but nothing hilarious. The bits I liked most were the observations on how odd some customers were. Working at Cineworld I saw some similarities.
Everyone goes on about how great Jay and Silent Bob are but I didn't see why they were so funny. They were also barely in it.
Another 7, interesting enough characters, just wish I 'got' it more.

Saving Private Ryan
The highlight of the films I've seen so far. Really epic action that was an exciting thrill ride to watch as well as being really brutal and harrowing. There's not a lot of quiet moments but when there is one it's packed with emotion and patriotic American cheese.
I would of course be the writer guy tagging along on the mission to save Private Ryan, I was aware of this the entire film.
Like a bloodier, real-er War Horse. Makes sense as they're both Spielberg. I've come to the conclusion that when Steven Spielberg does War, he does War good.
And a nice sentimental ending to boot.
A nine, makes Netflix almost worth the £6 a month.

Mean Girls
Quoted mercilessly through secondary school, never having a clue what was going on. Who the hell was Kevin G?
Genuinely funny and laughed out loud a few times as much as I wasn't the target audience. The cliques were emphasized but pretty accurate to what they were actually like in secondary school and showed just how awful girls are at that age.
I also kinda fancied Lindsay Lohan in it, but that's fine because she was actually 18 when it was shot.
Funniest quote I felt was 'Danny DeVito! I'm a big fan of your work!' or something similar.
8 outta 10.

The Shawshank Redemption
Before I continue let me say I actually did like this film and I don't mean to upset people. I maybe just expected more from the number 1 film on the imdb top 250 films EVER.
Morgan Freeman was great in it, watching the prison lifestyle was interesting also.
Suppose there's spoilers from this point on, jusayin.
The adorable old man with the bird's suicide was really sad. Not entirely sure that needed to happen.
Found myself losing a bit of interest by the end, maybe just because I knew he escapes. But it was a nice little story and a satisfying end when Morgan Freeman and...the main guy see each other again.
I'm sure its much deeper and more beautiful than I understood but I just saw it as an interesting little film that made me think about what it actually must be like in prison.
And now I utter the line- I'd give the Shawshank Redemption 7 out of 10. Not quite Mean Girls.

Any suggestions on what on the list I should watch next are welcome. Currently halfway through Some Like It Hot.

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