Monday 14 January 2013

The Grand Film Adventure- 6-10

Think I'll change the name of the list from 'Film's I'll watch before 2014' to 'Film's I'll probably see before mid March time'. It's addictive.
In the last week I've watched 

Some Like It Hot
The Goonies
Kill Bill
Mission Impossible
Beverly Hills Cop

Some Like It Hot
I hadn't a clue what this film was going in. My lecturer at uni once said it's one of the most important movies to see if your a journalist. Not entirely sure why, it's about 2 guys who dress as woman and join all woman band in drag to escape from gangsters with HILLAAAARIOUS consequences. 
For a black and white film shot in the 50s I found myself laughing quite a lot. It's cheesy but in a nice wholesome family way, like when your Grandad tells you a joke.
It was also my first experience of Marilyn Monroe. I find her strangely attractive to be honest. I kind of ruined it for myself because I read a bit about what she was like when making the film and she sounded like a nightmare to work with. Dranking all the drank. I hope she calmed all that stuff down later in her life, she must be about 80 by now. [I'm aware that was in bad taste, I'm sorry]
A film I didn't expect to enjoy but really did, 8. 

The Goonies
This is a case of a film I really should have seen as a child. As a 21 year old it was just a little bit annoying and loud.
Not to say it was awful at all. The Goonies themselves were quite amusing even though I found them a little irritating and the sense of adventure was very Speilberg. 
It reminded me of Home Alone in a lot of parts, zany slapstick humor that I would've found hilarious about 12 years ago but not now. The very first scene with the car chase features a lot of people falling over and getting covered in water and stuff. It was my first warning. I'm not a big pantomime fan as you might know. 
Sloth isn't likable. I just felt pity for the thing. Essentially he's just a mentally ill man who's massively disfigured and as much as he helps them in the end the character just didn't sit right with me. Very strange. 
 I only give it a 6- I reckon people remember it so fondly due to nostalgia, or maybe I'm just missing something. 

Kill Bill
My history with Tarantino films has been mixed. I've seen half of Inglorious Basterds which i thought was okay and 20 minutes of Pulp Fiction I didn't get [although I might when I watch the full film later]. Going into Kill Bill I wasn't sure I'd quite get it. 
But luckily I did. It's crazy and one of the strangest things I've seen but my god the majority of it looks incredible. I saw it about 5 days ago and the animated scene about the life of the Chinese assassin has really stuck in my head. 
It's all very striking and it's refreshing to see a director do whatever the hell he wants in the name of creating something different and visually and audibly stunning. 
The fight scene that takes up almost the entire second half of the movie is fantastic and one of the best things I've seen in a film...possibly ever. 
It's a 9 and I'm really glad it wasn't quite too odd for me. 

Mission Impossible
It's hard to take this film seriously now with all the outdated technology that was a glimpse into the future back then but it's still a fun film that I enjoyed.
I'm not sure if I like or dislike Tom Cruise. He's just a little bundle of energy that bounces around from one action scene to the next.
The scene where he goes down to the windows 95 computer on the rope is probably the most stand out part, for me. It was very tense and well done and when the knife falls there is a genuine feeling of 'oh shi...'. Not sure the rat in the ventilation shaft had to die either. Was unnecessary.
The finale on the train was also very exciting, even with the now obvious green screen backgrounds speeding past.
At the time I'm sure it was state of the art special effects though. 8 outta 10.

Beverly Hills Cop
This film was fine. I don't really know how it became the most successful film of 1984 but the music is certainly catchy.
It's not just the Axel-F song either, all the other music that goes along with the action scenes are very cool and 80s. It makes sense, being made in the 80s and all.
This may sound racist but young Eddie Murphy reminded me so much of Will Smith. Even looking back at the movie knowing it's Eddie Murphy, Axel Foley is Will Smith in my head, I can't help it.
The actions fine and the comedy is ok but nothing really struck out as being wonderful.
 It was a lighthearted hour and 45 minutes minutes and if the sequels are ever on TV I'll probably watch them in the background. 7

Still looking for films to borrow and watch, I've bought some DVDs on amazon crazy cheap but the majority I do not own. Next films I watch will most likely be The Mummy, Ace Ventura and whatever I can find on Netflix. 

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