Saturday 10 March 2012

Cinema Idiots

Those about to read this post expecting me to rant about people who talk through films and take their loud children into films like War Horse, this post is not about them. That rant will come under a title 'Cinema C**ts'
In this post I am addressing people who see comedy films and don't quite understand where its funny. This results in an incredible display of full grown adults laughing at random at whatever comes on screen and also silence whenever theres a piece of witty dialogue.
For some films I'm sure that's fair game if the humours quite subtle, not everyone will get it. The examples in which I've seen this happen however are unbelievably basic. For example case 1:
Johnny English: Reborn
I shit you not. I saw this film at 9 in the evening, not a kid to be seen in the cinema. It was at this screening I first saw this phenomenon take place. There was a line "Ah the Rolls Royce, the Rolls Royce of automobiles' - funny dialogue! Not earth shattering but enough to register a bit of laughter from me and my friend. The WHOLE AUDITORIUM didn't bat an eyelid. Right over their heads.
Later in the film Johnny English fell into a skip- a scene obviously for children. But no-riotous laughter and even some applause. Its hard to understand why comedians do so well when surely a circuses would please crowds more.
I understand I'm coming across a bit snooty here. You must remember I enjoy seeing films like this- basic humour is great as long as its also quite witty. None of this could be found in case 2

Journey 2 - The Mysterious Island
Another kids film I saw at near the same time. More or less all the humour was kid based and was enough to raise half a smile at best. The couple beside us however were not aware of this.
Screaming with laughter at any mention of toilet humour. I'm not even exagerating when I say screaming- it was as if the man int he couple had been told the funniest joke known to man or had been sprayed straight in the face with laughing gas.
I forget his name but there was a character in the films who was the source of the toilet humour jokes. He quickly became the main character of the film as every single word he said or expression he made resulted in this couple falling of their chairs in fits.This isn't even slapstick anymore- its making funny faces. Humour most popular with infants and babies.
At least they paid attention to the film unlike the guys I encountered in case 3

This Means War
A light hearted movie in which 2 spys compete for a woman's love. Humour ranged from the relationship and dialogue between characters to basic slapstick which as always got the biggest laughs.
What amazed me about this film was that people just didn't know when it was supposed to be funny. A guy gets hit in the penis with a paintball, obviously meant for laughs- people laugh. A man gets shot and a table is thrown over...more laughter? People seem to think when they see a 'comedy film' every single bit should be funny. There is no way the people laughing would laugh at this scene if it was in an action film.
The most basic answer to why are they laughing is they assume its supposed to be funny, don't get but don't want to look stupid so laugh anyway- therefore looking stupider in the process.

I don't hate these people but I am quite amazed by them. They could possibly run films with a laughter track so these poor souls at least know when things are funny. Then all us intelligent people could watch films ultra snootily, turning our noses up at any sign of witless humour.

To clarify I am not a cinema snob- this from a man who saw The Smurfs, Spy Kids 4 and Alvin and the Chipmunks 3 last year

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