Wednesday 11 April 2012

Bebo - The Golden Age of Social Networking

The only reason I have facebook is because everyone else has it. If everyone still used bebo I'd still be commenting you my luv.
Bebo was my life through Oldmachar Academy. It was frothing with hidden bitchiness and obvious flirting. Maybe that was just third years being third years but it was made so much more obvious on Bebo.
Top 16. Hated by some- loved by me. It was savage. 'Oh I see you've gone to see Spiderman 3 without me. Down to number 13 you go my friend!'
Having girls in your top 16 as well. That was basically a list of how much you fancy them. I saw guys putting random girls from their class above some of their very best friends. Yeah that's quite normal. And not creepy in the slightest.
You had to keep up with where you stood in your friends' top 16s also. If you were number 5 on friend A's top 16 and you had them at number 4, they sure as hell were taking a considerable slide down the friendship scale. This would continue, until you both were wiped from each others top 16s completely, thus ending your friendship entirely.
Some things I loathed and despised on Bebo. 'Put this on your page if you knew someone who died from cancer HEART'. Why. Why put this on your page. In the words of condescending Wonka 'Oh you must really care about people who have lost people to cancer'. No need to be on your Bebo! NO!
'RIP Grandad. Love you always xxxx xxxx xx x'
I'm sorry anonymous Beboer, I don't think your Grandad will see this due to him being dead and not having Bebo in the first place.
Oosh that almost got quite angry! Lets move onto something much more fun. 'How much do you know me?' quizes.
There was always one stock question that caused a lot of awkward. 'What will you find me doing at a party?' There was a fat girl with this question where 95% of the people answering answered 'Munching on appetizers'. Poor whale.
You'd then get responses from people you barely knew who had scored 100% on the test. Twas creepy shit! You're best friends would then proceed to get 20 or 30 and you'd feel a little sad. I remember filling in these quizzes of girls I liked, receiving little scores and feeling genuinely distraught. That was us incompatible forever.
Then there was the outright 'how compatible are we?' quizzes that when done by guys would get 10 responses from 10 of their guy friends with comments in the area of 'you big puff!'. And that fat girl mentioned previously would probably fill it in and score highly, leading people to believe they were now an item.
Thooooseeee weeeerrree theeeee daaaaaaays.
I've not even mentioned flashboxes where I had a man having sex with a llama on my page for about 4 months. That sounds way more sick than it actually was, it was actually Stevo from Jackass in a llama suit...getting humped from behind by a real llama. I must've only been 14 as well, wow.
It was sad when it started to die and turn into a shit facebook. The times I had with Bebo were fun though and caused a lot of teenage angst and drama.

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