Tuesday 10 April 2012

Life Without The Internet

For the last week I have not had wifi at my house.
'Oh poor you! Read a book' says Grandma. 'I manage without internet so why can't you?'
Its a good question. How the hell can she cope without internet. I realised I've become quite addicted to it over the last 4-5 years.
 I use it for literally everything. Facebook and that are obvious but say I decided to cook. I'd most likely look up how to online. Say I was going out to see a film. I'd look it up on imdb first. If it started to rain ferrets outside. I'd look online to see why it was happening. And to tweet 'IT'S RAINING FERRETS! #omgferrets' obviously.
Anyhoo! The last week I ventured out my room a bit. I live a bit like one of the fat people in Wall E. I know the message of Wall E is that that's an awful existence but to me its quite appealing. I just cruise round my room on my comfy chair, laptop in front of me. Socialising, buying stuff, catching up with news. It can all be done on the laptop. If Wall E came into my room and reminded me that there's a swimming pool just down the road I'd most likely send him on his way.
I say venture out my room, I mean to other areas of my house. I turned on the TV to see if anything was on and was reminded the rest of the house has sky. I looked to see if Pawn Stars or Storage Wars was on as my Dad showed me a few episodes a while ago and they were quite good.
I now know the profiles and back stories of every bidder on Storage Wars. Similarly I probably have the knowledge to work in that Las Vegas pawn shop.
Storage Wars deserves a post to itself so I'll leave that for now.
I did manage to use other peoples wifi on my iphone and their laptops when I was out. They'd offer me the code and I'd leap on the laptop excitedly eager to catch up with what I'd been missing.
It was when I got on though I realised I hadn't really missed much. 2 new youtube videos and a few new memes.
The internet needs to be a constant thing I feel. It's not like a videogame that can be dipped in and out every so often for hours of fun at a time. It just makes life a hell of a lot easier.
It's not a case of reading a book or going online. It's researching the book, reading it, then discussing it with others after. It enhances the experience.
I don't read books often but I presume this happens.
It also fills time in a much more constructive way. Right then I went to the bathroom and watched a movie trailer. What a beautiful age we live in. If we hadn't had wifi I wouldn't have known Seth Mcfarline (lin? len?) is making a film about a teddy bear that is Peter Griffin.
All in all it wasn't all bad not having wifi. I spoke to my family more, learnt who Chumly from Pawn Stars was (a king amongst people) and spent more time out the house.
If it happens again I will be an angry beaver. But at least I'll know its not quite the end of the world due to the delightful programming provided by History channel and the channels similar.

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