Tuesday 17 April 2012

Sausage and Gravy Fridays

I noticed #primaryschoolmemories was trending on twitter the other day so I thought I'd join in. I thought back to primary school and one thing really stuck out as being memorable and a highlight of my young life.
The friendships I maintained and relationships I
But not really- it was school dinners.
It may just be nostalgia but when I remember the food at Danestone Primary I remember it as the tastiest thing in the world.
Some notable highlights
The chicken pie ladled out of huge industrial trays. By pie it was really a layer of just cooked puff pastry over chicken and sweetcorn in 'white sauce'- chemicals and flavourings essentially. Sounds pretty bleh when I write it but it was delicious! Deeeelicious!
Norfolk grills. Have you ever heard of a Norfolk grill? I'm pretty sure it was a name the school made up. The closest thing I could compare it to would be a burger you get from a van at a festival but with less substance and worse for you. As a person who happily ate nothing but festival burgers at T in the Park last year Norfolk Grill Wednesdays were a treat. You also felt like the hardest child alive when you asked the dinner lady for a NorFUCK grill. I remember primary sevens literally screaming it at the poor lunch ladies faces. 
Sausage and gravy Fridays are also worth a mention. They felt it necessary to fill the trays to the brim with gravy before adding sausage. Within the first minute of sitting down everything would be brown and lunch trays would slide uncontrollably down the table with a mind of their own. Another hilarious thing you could do was to stick the trays together- the gravy acting as glue to form blocks of trays  up to 3 ft high. Further memories of said 3ft stack sliding down to the end of our table and crashing off the end to the amusment of everyone. I'm laughing at it now, can only imagine what it was like when I was 10.
Most people who had school dinners only had school dinners because their Mums' didn't pack them lunch. For some reason if you had a packed lunch you got to leave early for playtime and if you had a school dinner you had to wait. So not only did you get reminded you had neglectful parents, you missed out half your playtime too.
I however chose to stay for school dinners. Could talk about 5 other things I liked- I seemed to like the  stodgy mass produced food and its its the same now. At a BBQ I'll always prefer a Birdseye burger to a 'proper' one.
There were always 2 days that everyone else had school dinners as well. Pizza day and hot dog day. These days were popular because for some reason pizza and hotdogs were incredibly cool. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles eat it, so did Hey Arnold. And hot dogs were American like Kenan and Kel. Always a slight disappointment when you got the microwaved pizza rectangles rather than the gooey slices of pizza in the cartoons.
I'm pretty sure it won't be the same now. It'll be healthy and vegetable curry and falafel. What even is a falafel. And why does it sound so hilarious. Falafel.
It annoys me when I see food adverts aimed at kids now. 'Why not swap your fries for carrot sticks?' asks the giant black woman who does the voiceovers on the Mcdonalds adverts. Its because they're fecking carrot sticks and not delicious chips! Food surely can't be THAT harmful for kids. When i was 12 a favourite thing to do was have a Mcchicken sandwich within a Mcchickcen sandwich. I had a Mcdonalds every Friday and was fed Norfuck grills and hotdogs through the day at school. And I'm not obese now. Festivly plump but not obese.
I havn't even mentioned the puddings. Jam tart, tiffin, sticky-rasin bake things and the king of puddings - jelly cubes. If anyone knows how to prepare those jelly cubes with the normal jelly on bottom and 'mystery' jelly on top please prepare one for me. You will be my favourite person forever.

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