Saturday 29 December 2012

Top 10 films I saw in 2012

Thought I'd go ahead and make this list. Tas been a good year of a films. If i was to rate films out of 10 I'd probably give the top 2 films on the list 10 outta 10 with the rest all being nines.

Remember I've not seen every film that came out this year. I feel I'd have liked Prometheus, apparently Lawless was fantastic. I'm not including re-releases either otherwise Titanic and Beauty and Beast would be on here fo suuure.

And now my top 10 films of 2012.

10.The Hunger Games

There was a tonne of hype for this film. I find Katniss just a bit annoying but overall I found myself really engrossed in the film. The build up to the games themselves was well done and the games themselves were exciting and hugely tense. Walking out the cinema I couldn't help but think how I'd cope in the Hunger Games myself. Quite stoked for Catching Fire next year, I just hope Katniss isn't as angsty in the movie as she is in the book.

Best Scene: The start of the Games where they all come up the tubes then all hell breaks loose.

9. The Amazing Spiderman

Did Spiderman need a reboot? I think this film proved that yes, it did. This Peter Parker is a bit more badass, the slight cockiness and humour making him a lot more likable than Toby Maguire as Spiderman. It had more heart and the action was top notch- a very enjoyable super hero movie.

Best Scene: When Spiderman plays about with the thug in the car, showing off the new wisecracking sarcastic Spidey.

8. Chronicle

Chronicle is a thrill ride. Teenagers doing cool levatatey stuff just because they can. I really enjoyed Andrew's slide into madness, it kinda gave it away in the trailers but when he sits there crushing that car with his mind in the scrap yard you know shits going to go down, and it does. The throwdown at the end is pretty spectacular.

Best Scene: When Andrew 'swooshes' the car into the lake and they realise what they're capable of.

7. Argo

As reviewer Jeremy Jahns puts it- 'the most exciting film of the year where no one ever gets shot'. The tension built in this film is unparallelled by any other film this year. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, waiting for someone to be caught or revealed to be a vile American. It also made me hate Iran. It's crazy this film is based on true events. If it wasn't the film would seem almost too unbelievable.

Best Scene: Getting through the Iranian airport, watching tensely as they pass through every security checkpoint

6. The Iron Lady

Well this was onix-pected. I never expected to enjoy a biopic about a political figure this much but it's so damn emotional! Pretty harsh that they portray Maggie T as this batty dementia-ey old wifey when the poor woman is still alive. I never knew much about Margret Thatcher before this film and now I can say I'm quite a fan. An incredible life story told expertly and heart-breakingly sad in parts.

Best Scene: Watching the deceased Mr.Thatcher walk away from his wife down the corridor at the end. Tears fell

5. Looper

It's tough to make sci-fi film quite gritty and edgy but Looper succeeded and worked on a number of levels. It could have easily been JGL chasing after Bruce Willis and vice versa in a mindless action romp but again, it had heart. Deaths were harrowing and genuinely shocking. When there was dialogue is was tense and well written. A lot of people didn't like the end. I honestly can't think of a better one. It wrapped the whole film up nicely.

Best Scene: The meeting in the cafe between Joe and his future self waiting for one of them to snap and kick off.

4.The Artist

The Artist was such a nice film. It's impressive just how much you can feel for a character without ever hearing them talk. If all black and white silent films are as good as The Artist I have a load of pre-20s movies to watch. I'm also a little bit in love with Peppy Miller, jusayin. I notice this film is in a lot of best of 2011 film lists but I saw it in 2012 so it makes the list.

Best Scene: George Valentine's dream of a world with sound is pretty memorable and well done.

3.Seeking a Friend For The End Of The World

I'm a sap. There's no denying it. This film starts as being really darkly funny movie but gets a strong emotional backbone as you realize the world is actually going to end killing everyone the characters you've gone on this little journey with love. The relationship between Carell and Knightley would never work in any other circumstance but in this one it does which makes the ending, given away in the title and first few seconds of the film, really quite tragic and strangely beautiful. 

Best Scene: Lying on the floor of the apartment talking to each other, waiting for the world to end.

2. The Avengers

The perfect super-hero film. Action so good and exciting it warranted 3 separate trips to see it in a single week. I love every character in The Avengers, even the almost totally pointless Hawkeye has his moments. When you put so many big comic book heroes into a film it was always going to be massive and The Avengers definitely was, blowing mine and cinema goers expectation out of the park. I could watch Hulk take down that huge floaty caterpillary thing in the city again and again and again.

Best Scene: The sweeping shot in the city of each hero doing their thing. Full of badassery


I wasn't a huge James Bond fan before this film. Now I want to watch every one of them. It mixed the new 'dark' Bond with the more classic Bond formula and wow did it pay off- the action is perfect, every scene as exciting as the last. The villain, also perfect, poncy but menacing. Daniel Craig is just a great James Bond, I can't compare to the other Bonds due to seeing an embarrassingly low number of Bond films but in my head Daniel Craig IS James Bond. Skyfall is a film that impressed me more than I ever thought it could and that's why it deserves the number one spot on this list.

Best Scene: I particularly liked the action scenes on the London Underground. The chase was intense

Honourable mentions to Ted, Dark Knight Rises, Dredd, Paranorman, The Hobbit and Battleship, a film I'm pretty sure no one enjoyed in the world but me. All strong 8s.

And there we are, my favourite films of 2012. Next year is looking like an interesting year for films already; it's too hard to even predict what will be on 2013's list.

Thursday 20 December 2012

50 Films I'll Watch before 2014

I've told a few people I'm making a list of 50 films I will watch before the end of 2013. People are often shocked at the lack of films I've seen so this list will sort that hopefully!

I've included films that are either very popular, have high critical acclaim or films I know I'll probably like. 

If anyone wants to lend me DVDs that'd be nice!

     1.      It’s a Wonderful Life 
  1. The Shawshank Redemption
  2. The Mummy
  3. Ace Ventura
  4. Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
  5. Lord of the Rings Return of the King
  6. Terminator
  7. Alien
  8. Scarface
  9. Sleepy Hollow
  10. Die Hard
  11. Inception
  12. Gladiator
  13. Reservoir Dogs
  14. Brave Heart
  15. Trainspotting
  16. Beetlejuice
  17. The King’s Speech
  18. Rain Man
  19. Men In Black
  20. Mean Girls
  21. The Big Lebowski
  22. Anchorman
  23. The Goonies
  24. Kill Bill
  25. Wayne’s World
  26. The Blues Brothers
  27. Clerks                                                                        
  28. Dead Poets Society
  29. Rocky
  30. Planet of the Apes
  31. LA Confidential
  32. Pulp Fiction
  33. The Never Ending Story
  34. Fantasia
  35. The Social Network
  36. The Departed
  37. Saving Private Ryan
  38. Blade Runner
  39. Batman
  40. Ghostbusters
  41. Ferris Buellers Day Off
  42. The Good The Bad and the Ugly
  43. Beverly Hills Cop
  44. Kramer vs Kramer
  45. West Side Story
  46. Some Like It Hot
  47. Mission Impossible
  48. Silence of The Lambs
  49. Se7en
I've tried not to include more than one film per series as well but have made an exception for LOTR. 

Tuesday 18 December 2012

A Christmas Like - Advent Calenders

You are never too old for an advent calender

Not entirly sure how it's magical, but it's chocolate for breakfast
What's not to like? Nothing get's you more stoked for christmas than a little picture of santa and a small mould of chocolate every single morning.

If you're one of these people who don't eat the chocolate as soon as you get up then you my friend are doing Christmas wrong. It's the only time of year where it's half acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast. No judgment from me ofcourse, I had a full BBQ bacon chicken breast for breakfast yesterday. Was delicious.

You have to be careful what advent calender you choose, it's not a simple process. Cadburys is usually fine, M&S are k, but stay the hell away from a company called Kinnerton. They specialise in ruining holidays for children.

Give your child one of these and you have ruined their Christmas

Why are they so bad? A main reason is they don't have any foil so therefore aren't officially advent calenders at all. I mean siriusly, whats an advent calender without foil? As a child theres a certain tension as you start to slowly rip it to reveal what chocolate will be underneath, similar to Link opening a chest in Zelda. Don't know what I'm talking about? Play literally any Zelda game.

Secondly I'm not entirly sure all of them have pictures on the insides of the doors. The hells that about? It's what advent calenders used to be before they were made better with chocolate. I can't think of anything that can't be made better with chocolate to be honest. Car rides. Films. Marshmallows. Sexual partners.

Chocolate, msking life better

 Similarly I hate advent calenders with '10 DAYS TO GO!' on the inside. We know, there's quite clearly 10 more doors left to open.

Or  nine seeings as advent calenders only go up to the 24th for some reason.

Lastly the chocolate is just horrible. You wonder how they can get it so wrong, surely they must taste it before they pour into moulds of poorly shaped candles and presents. It's exactly the same with the easter eggs they do, I'd rather eat liquorice. And liquorice is awful.

I understand this was supposed to be a positive post and I still think it kinda is. Advents calenders are a great part of christmas, as long as theres foil, pictures and chocolate in nice shapes that don't taste of sadness.

Sunday 16 December 2012

A Christmas Dislike - Self Indulgent Christmas Cards

Why go to all that trouble buying a Christmas card when I can just send a picture of my gorgeous family to stare at people on their mantelpiece!

Merry Christmas, look at the fun we're having on this tree

Why is this a thing? What makes someone decide that people want to see pictures of their family as a Christmas card? Imagine this happening on birthdays, instead of a picture of a pug in a bow tie or hilarious joke about getting old you just got a picture of the senders face staring at you smugly with a look of self satisfaction on their face.

It's as if to say 'Merry Christmas! But remember we're celebrating Christmas too and we are the more important family'. 

The thing worse than this is when you receive an A4 sheet of paper within the card with a big old review of the family's exciting year complete with a Microsoft Word-art title and little clip art pictures of balloons and birthday cakes. 

It will almost always start along the lines of 'Well what a year it's been!'
A year so fucking fantastic you want the whole world to know about it!

I've had a go at writing an example of a really honest letter someone who sends this type of card would write. I have no idea who the family are, I just got the pic from google...

I have no idea why it's so big. And that's what she said

My point is, no one really cares. Send a Christmas card acknowledging we exist and sign your name. It's all that's fully required. 

Just don't go to the Evening Express and put one of those terrible 'Will not be sending cards this year but Merry Christmas from Mr.X ' messages in the paper. It's not World War II people, get off your arse and write some £2 for 10 store bought Christmas cards!

Thursday 13 December 2012

A Christmas like - Pigs in Blankets

I'll start with a cliche. But my god, aren't pigs in blankets just the best.

You foodgasm'd

Why do pigs in blankets not last all year round? Why can a cocktail sausage only be wrapped in delicious bacon one day of the year? I eat bacon all year round, I eat sausages all year round. Why are they only united in little parcels of pigliciousness at Christmas!

I could see them getting served at mcdonalds as an alternative to Mcnuggets. Imagine that on a night out, stumbling into Mcdonalds at 3am and being presented with a box of 20 pigs in blankets. You'd head over to the hilariously named 'condiment bar' that actually exist in most Mcdonalds restaurants now and pump some delicious gravy over them all. The perfect end to a night out. I'll start writing a letter to Ronald.

It's not just pigs in blankets, there's loads of other foods that for some reason only get eaten at Christmas.

I know there's a lot of haters but Christmas pudding is a king of foods. There's always a genuine feeling of despair when you finish the last bite and know you have to wait an entire year for another piece  No need for it. I blame the name- Christmas pudding, it confines it to one day. Unspecific-date pudding, sounds much better.

This is far too pretty, looks better when it's just a puddingy mess covered in custard
I've always been quite lucky in the fact my grandma has always brought round a trifle and guilts everyone into eating that instead, leaving more Christmas pudding for me.

Parsnips, a vegetable I'm pretty sure only exist as part of a Christmas dinner. The parsnip is like the carrot's better tasting brother, stealing the show on Christmas day while the carrots look on jealously from across the plate. They punish us for the rest of the year by being part of every Sunday dinner we ever eat.

Was going to include scrambled eggs and salmon for Christmas breakfast but I've been told multiple times this isn't a Christmas thing. It's like at bonfire night where my parents insist on bringing us cups of tomato soup because it's a 'thing'.It's not a bad thing though, its just what we've always eaten after we open our presents- scrambled eggs and salmon. And its boss.

A festive Christmas salmon
I feel mince pies are worth an honorable mention but are they really that great? I'm always really stoked to have one but then get halfway through and get a bit 'meh, this is average'. Also don't make the mistake I made of trying to microwave one. I bit into it and this happened basically.
Pretty hot

I'll end with Quality Street, the most Christmassy of Christmas foods. The tin gets whapped out and you know its that time of year. Our family luckily all have different favorites as well, I'm pink, Mum red, Dad purple, Amy caramel and all the rest get left in the tin and totally forgotten about until the next tin gets cracked open a few days later.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Christmas Top 5 Likes and Dislikes

I’m back.
Tas been a while since I’ve blogged last, I’ve had a lot on? Yeah lets go with that.

Guiz its nearly Christmas. To celebrate and because I have a week off work I’ve decided to give a list of 5 things I like and 5 things I don’t about Christmas. Exciting times I know but you try coming up with interesting blog posts.

Hopefully I’ll get all 10 up in time for Christmas. If I don’t and I make this message public it’ll be deemed an embarrassing fail and we’ll all move on with out lives knowing Chris’s blogging skills aren't quite up to scratch.

I love you grumpy cat