Thursday 13 December 2012

A Christmas like - Pigs in Blankets

I'll start with a cliche. But my god, aren't pigs in blankets just the best.

You foodgasm'd

Why do pigs in blankets not last all year round? Why can a cocktail sausage only be wrapped in delicious bacon one day of the year? I eat bacon all year round, I eat sausages all year round. Why are they only united in little parcels of pigliciousness at Christmas!

I could see them getting served at mcdonalds as an alternative to Mcnuggets. Imagine that on a night out, stumbling into Mcdonalds at 3am and being presented with a box of 20 pigs in blankets. You'd head over to the hilariously named 'condiment bar' that actually exist in most Mcdonalds restaurants now and pump some delicious gravy over them all. The perfect end to a night out. I'll start writing a letter to Ronald.

It's not just pigs in blankets, there's loads of other foods that for some reason only get eaten at Christmas.

I know there's a lot of haters but Christmas pudding is a king of foods. There's always a genuine feeling of despair when you finish the last bite and know you have to wait an entire year for another piece  No need for it. I blame the name- Christmas pudding, it confines it to one day. Unspecific-date pudding, sounds much better.

This is far too pretty, looks better when it's just a puddingy mess covered in custard
I've always been quite lucky in the fact my grandma has always brought round a trifle and guilts everyone into eating that instead, leaving more Christmas pudding for me.

Parsnips, a vegetable I'm pretty sure only exist as part of a Christmas dinner. The parsnip is like the carrot's better tasting brother, stealing the show on Christmas day while the carrots look on jealously from across the plate. They punish us for the rest of the year by being part of every Sunday dinner we ever eat.

Was going to include scrambled eggs and salmon for Christmas breakfast but I've been told multiple times this isn't a Christmas thing. It's like at bonfire night where my parents insist on bringing us cups of tomato soup because it's a 'thing'.It's not a bad thing though, its just what we've always eaten after we open our presents- scrambled eggs and salmon. And its boss.

A festive Christmas salmon
I feel mince pies are worth an honorable mention but are they really that great? I'm always really stoked to have one but then get halfway through and get a bit 'meh, this is average'. Also don't make the mistake I made of trying to microwave one. I bit into it and this happened basically.
Pretty hot

I'll end with Quality Street, the most Christmassy of Christmas foods. The tin gets whapped out and you know its that time of year. Our family luckily all have different favorites as well, I'm pink, Mum red, Dad purple, Amy caramel and all the rest get left in the tin and totally forgotten about until the next tin gets cracked open a few days later.

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