Sunday 16 December 2012

A Christmas Dislike - Self Indulgent Christmas Cards

Why go to all that trouble buying a Christmas card when I can just send a picture of my gorgeous family to stare at people on their mantelpiece!

Merry Christmas, look at the fun we're having on this tree

Why is this a thing? What makes someone decide that people want to see pictures of their family as a Christmas card? Imagine this happening on birthdays, instead of a picture of a pug in a bow tie or hilarious joke about getting old you just got a picture of the senders face staring at you smugly with a look of self satisfaction on their face.

It's as if to say 'Merry Christmas! But remember we're celebrating Christmas too and we are the more important family'. 

The thing worse than this is when you receive an A4 sheet of paper within the card with a big old review of the family's exciting year complete with a Microsoft Word-art title and little clip art pictures of balloons and birthday cakes. 

It will almost always start along the lines of 'Well what a year it's been!'
A year so fucking fantastic you want the whole world to know about it!

I've had a go at writing an example of a really honest letter someone who sends this type of card would write. I have no idea who the family are, I just got the pic from google...

I have no idea why it's so big. And that's what she said

My point is, no one really cares. Send a Christmas card acknowledging we exist and sign your name. It's all that's fully required. 

Just don't go to the Evening Express and put one of those terrible 'Will not be sending cards this year but Merry Christmas from Mr.X ' messages in the paper. It's not World War II people, get off your arse and write some £2 for 10 store bought Christmas cards!

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